
A blog post about my presentation

Wow, lemme tell you, I've been in college going on four years now, but after reading the assignment for this presentation, I could've sworn  I was in high school! How exciting! It felt exactly as hand-holdy and busy-worky as a high school project! Throwback thursday! LOL am I right?  Expectations that hamstring you with their stringency? An outline whose sole purpose is to be graded? And  a redundant blog post to compliment the outline and the presentation?? I'm getting all nostalgic for the burnt out older teachers from my high school that would assign the exact same sorts of things! Top it all off with the fact that this has seemingly zero bearing on, and in fact takes time away from, the project that's supposed to be the focus of this course, and it really seems like it's only  perfunctory busy work! Boy, I feel like a teenager again, with the teachers in my life having zero trust in the competency and ability of me and my peers to learn, so they just set up hoop...


Well I guess my blogpost STYLE has been called in to question. More "like prose" is what I've been told I need to make these. I knew writing limericks was the wrong way to go. Look where it got me. So here it goes. or, should I say, here it prose. We're on the path. We've got some scenes in the works and we have a shape and a direction. Things are looking good. We have one basically complete scene. What more do you want, Martyn? Johnny? Prose enough for you? No? Well, here's the full text of one of my favorite short stories, A Serious Talk by Raymond Carver. How's that for prose? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VERA'S CAR WAS there, no others, and Burt gave thanks for that. He pulled into the drive and stopped beside the pie he'd dropped last night. It was still there, the aluminum pan upside down, a halo of pumpkin filling on the pavement. It was Friday, almost noon, the day after ...


WELL funny story we got distracted by making a clicker game It's pretty dope It's about scaring away crows so you can grow corn You hire monsters and stuff Who knows maybe this is the final game almost definitely not though But the storm of creativity is unceasing and whatnot Gotta UNLEARN what the game is bye

Patron Saint

It's time to play the music. It's time to light the lights. It's time to meet this patron saint. On this Blogspot here tonight. Few people can build a world like Jim Henson could and I aspire to that level of world-building prowess. The level of detail within his worlds is almost unparalleled. Every piece feels as if it was thought through and paid attention to. I want this world I build to be as thorough as Henson's worlds.


week 5- working prototype of full game week 10- finalized art

Games and emotions

This is new for me, big time new. I started learning how to make video games at the beginning of last term and now I'm making one for my senior experience. Fortune favors the bold I guess. I've never had a blog before and I feel like I'm unconsciously writing in the tone of a teen nick character from the early 2000s, like as I write a voice over is saying what I write to an audience of children. I'm new to making video games, but I'm not new to making art, so my challenge and goal is to reconcile the new medium and new skills with my sensibilities, and to let the two influence one another.  When I make stuff it's important to me that the core of whatever I make be honest emotion. I want to express a feeling I have whether or not that feeling is what the viewer perceives or receives. This has been the biggest hurdle for me when it comes to game design. I want this game to have emotion at it's core, not have an emotional narrative, or relatable characters, but...